© 2024 Wide Open Voices
Leadership Programmes.
The existential concerns of choice and uncertainty, freedom and responsibility, meaning and values, authenticity and identity are present in every person’s lived experience. These concerns are accentuated for those who lead due to the responsibilities they have for the business and their staff. For many leaders, alongside the change and uncertainty of the business context, EDI adds more change and uncertainty.
However, this often feels more personal, as it demands that people change their ways of seeing, understanding and being in the world. Having the space and time to explore how these concerns inform their ways of leading is essential for leaders to effectively deliver business success and lead inclusive organisations.
Leadership coaching with Matt provides a non-judgemental environment for clients to explore and reflect on their ways of being and leading. Through this, they can discover their authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling ways of leading successful, inclusive organisations and effectively respond to the complex environment in which they live and work
Leadership Coaching
Thought Seminars
Modern leaders need to understand the existential dynamics and drivers of business, leadership, and EDI to develop strategy, make decisions, and create inclusive cultures. However, crucially, leaders also need knowledge about themselves, their ‘position’ within society, and the socio-cultural aspects that condition organisational cultures and norms.
To develop the key areas of knowledge for effective and authentic inclusive leadership, Wide Open Voices offers a series of thought seminars on these topics developed from Matt's research.
Understanding the existential nature of a leadership team’s perspectives on EDI and leadership is key to developing the leadership required to create organisational cultures that are adaptable, innovative, and inclusive for everyone. To achieve this, 1-1 sessions are held with individual leadership team members to explore their values and beliefs around leadership and EDI.
These sessions are then thematically analysed to build a picture of the team’s leadership dynamics, including trends, recurring themes, potential blockages, underlying drivers, and emergent solutions. This analysis is then discussed with the team to define the strategic leadership development goals for inclusive and adaptable business cultures and practices.
Leadership Diagnostics
Leaders operate within a multiplicity of business contexts daily, each with its unique dynamics and actors. Effective leadership development for these contexts requires programmes that provide leaders with insights into their ‘ways of leading’ and situationally relevant understandings of EDI.
Using an existentialism informed approach, we tailor solutions to the needs of organisations and their current and emerging leaders.